Coast Guard and civilian officials, 包括澳门足彩app项目开发总监Joshua Hodge, third from right, 参加梅肯堡飓风重建项目的奠基仪式.

August 4, 2022


哈斯克尔设计和施工团队返回海岸警卫队基地,将梅肯堡夷为平地, 重建和升级被佛罗伦萨飓风破坏的设施.


三年前的一系列事件导致了美国的经济危机.S. 海岸警卫队于2021年9月选择澳门足彩app作为大西洋海滩梅肯堡飓风重建项目的设计建造合作伙伴, North Carolina.

First, of course, was Hurricane Florence, 它以缓慢移动的一级风暴袭击了海岸警卫队的梅肯堡和外滩, 由于强大的风暴潮和暴雨,带来了风力破坏和广泛的洪水.

Secondly, 澳门足彩app开始参与美国海岸警卫队(USCG) 国家多奖建筑合同(NMACC) II. MACC计划对一组承包商的表现进行资格预审, experience, capability and safety and then issues task orders, or contracts, as projects arise.

Lastly, 哈斯克尔对那里的情况很了解,也和那里的工作人员有关系, and vice versa, 因为它刚刚在梅肯堡地区办公室完成了一个项目,包括水岸工程和建筑施工. 


“Under the MACC program, we've done projects all over the country, including in Hawaii,” said Joshua Hodge, 澳门足彩app联邦部门项目开发总监. “这真的帮助我们与海岸警卫队建立了良好的关系.”

梅肯堡飓风重建项目将巩固梅肯堡地区办事处的设施. Specifically, 该项目包括设计和建造一个多任务站设施,其中包括一个29,3000平方英尺的三层建筑,将会有一个办公空间, a boat maintenance bay, sleeping quarters, fitness center, and medical/dental space. 该项目还包括公用事业升级和拆除四座被飓风损坏的建筑物.

Working closely with the Coast Guard team, 澳门足彩app has completed all design, and a groundbreaking ceremony took place July 21, 2022.

澳门足彩app has been an excellent partner, and they have a world-class reputation,” said Captain John Berry, 设施设计施工中心(FDCC)指挥官. “所以,我们很高兴能和他们一起合作这个伟大的项目.”

总部位于澳门皇冠app的分包合作伙伴Coreslab Structures也在设计阶段发挥了作用, 该设施将使用预制混凝土建造,以增加抗飓风能力. 任务命令要求该建筑设计为渐进倒塌, which ensures that, if one part of the structure is compromised, others will remain standing.

“从设计的角度来看,这是独一无二的,”霍奇说. “这一要求是反恐部队保护措施的一部分. But since it’s structurally designed for that, it will be much more resilient in a hurricane, as well. It’s kind of a two birds, one stone kind of situation.”


“我们很自豪有机会支持海岸警卫队的使命,提高他们确保安全的能力, environmental protection and national defense,” Hodge said.

澳门足彩app proudly serves those who serve our nation. 探索广泛的综合设计和施工能力.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in Architecture, Engineering, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app is a global, fully integrated, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,200 highly specialized, in-house design, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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